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Current Projects

Dryer Vent Cleaning

Dryer vent cleaning is now taking place for no cost to the residents of The Fairways.  If you have not scheduled a time to have this done at your condo you may call (614-924-0003) to set up a time to have your vent cleaned.



Ongoing Projects



Older, large trees and bushes are removed when necessary.  New trees and bushes are planted as replacements in some areas.


Driveways and other concrete areas are typically repaired in the summer or fall.
The Fairway Roadways are typically repaired in the summer or fall.
Power Washing
The Fairway does power washing in spring or early summer on a rotation basis.


Please use the The Fairways Request Form for any questions or concerns you may have or call the maintenance line at 740-501-1372.






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